
Spin City

If you still haven't tuned in for AMC's top shelf 60s-era drama, Mad Men, don't make the mistake of waiting any longer. Set in 1962 Manhattan, tonight's second season premiere brings us back in to the Madison Avenue ad agency, Sterling Cooper's, office saga two years after last season's finale.

The first season won Golden Globe accolades for Best TV Drama and Best TV Actor. If that isn't enough to strike your interest, consider this: The show is visually intoxicating with it's intricately stylized sets and early-60s costuming. The interwoven historical storylines are enough to make the show quasi-educational (for those of us who weren't there), and the exaggerated (or are they?) displays of pre-PC office politics and male-chauvinism make it entertaining (albeit in a "oh-no-he-didn't" sort of way...).

So grab a smoke, a stiff drink and enjoy. 10 PM PST on AMC

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